080430 Oracle driver again: increased the size of the hda to 512 bytes for compatibility with 64-bit platforms. Released 0.10.0. 080427 Made the Oracle driver build compatible with Oracle Instant Client. 080425 Added db option to oracle url. These are now equivalent: oracle:uid=username/password@database oracle:uid=username:pwd=password:db=database 080311 Added --disable-shared and --disable-static options to the configure script. Released 0.9.0. 080307 In sdb.c, function sdb_close: don't call the driver's close function if the db is null (i.e. there is nothing to close). 080306 Started integrating Freetds for Microsoft SQL and Sybase. Queries are submitted but returned values are not handed off to the callback. 080305 Oracle driver updated for 11g. Make sure that the Oracle driver treats null values as NULL. Released 0.8.0. 080304 Initial support for Ingres. 080229 Added support for shsql/quisp. Changed clilen type to socklen_t in sdbd.c. Released 0.7.0. 051029 Added -c option to sdb_client to read an sql query from the command line rather than interactively. Released 0.6.2. 050219 In sdb_query: if the url refers to an already opened connection, check that the connection is in fact opened. This is important for mistyped urls. Released 0.6.1. 050110 Added --platform flag to the configure script. 050110 Added support for Sqlite 3. Added another minimal example to the manpage. Released 0.6.0. 050109 Dumped automake. Its self-incompatibility drives me nuts! 040506 More bugfixes from Guillaume Cottenceau to the Postgres and Mysql drivers: don't segfault if sdb_close is called with a NULL argument. Released 0.5.5. 040423 Bugfix in the postgres driver: the closer should be called sdb_postgres_close. Released 0.5.4. 040421 Patch for persistent Postgres connections from Guillaume Cottenceau . Released 0.5.3. 040227 Check for Solaris specific libraries. Added patch for persistent Oracle connections from Denis Ovsienko . 020828 Do not link sdb_client against .libs/libsdb.so. It breaks the build on certain platforms. sdb_client: only print prompt if stdin is a terminal. sdb_client: Option -s changes the separator in output. Released 0.5.1. 020630 Added a driver by Lahcen EL HADDATI which accepts queries on plain text files in a SQL-like language. Released 0.5.0. 020621 Fixed bug in sdbd: null values in the result set caused the process to crash. Now it returns an empty string, which is wrong but better than crashing. Check memory allocations better in sdbd_driver. 020620 Mimer driver that actually works. Released 0.4.1. 020530 MiniSQL driver. Use --with-msql=/path/to/msql if it is not installed in /usr/local/Hughes. Released 0.4.0. 020526 Implemented open and close for mysql driver. Wrote manpages for sdb_open, sdb_close, sdb_query, sdb_init and sdbd. Released 0.3.0. 020522 Added sdb_open and sdb_close for connections that are to be used for more than one query. Implemented open and close for sqlite driver. Modified the sdbd protocol to allow connections to be used for multiple queries. Updated sdbd.c and sdbd_driver.c to use the new protocol if it is implemented on both server and client. 020520 Added a check in sdb_query to call sdb_init if it hasn't already been done. This makes sdb_init calls from applications optional. 020515 Improved error checking in gdbm_driver.c. 020514 Added squid_sdb_auth.c, a program to authenticate Squid proxy users to any database supported by libsdb. Released 0.2.4. 020503 Renamed all the drivers from XXX.c to XXX_driver.c. Wrote a new driver (sdbd_driver.c) for proxied queries. The new driver is designed so it can be compiled statically into an application without the rest of libsdb. 020429 Added optional argument to --with-odbc option, plus the necessary tweaking to get the odbc driver running on Windows. Changed #include to just #include . Released 0.2.3. 020425 New flags -d and -f to sdbd control debug message level and background/foreground operation. Made sdbd less eager to error out at every problem. 020209 Modification to postgres driver to let it work with user/password login (srosso@libero.it). Released 0.2.2. 020105 Fixed compiler warning in sdbd_client.c (2nd arg to connect). 011220 Updated automake, autoconf and libtool. 011204 Updated configuration for Mysql. 010910 SO_REUSEADDR in sdbd.c. 010611 Fixed silly bug in sdbd.c and sdbd_client.c: readdata and writedata would fail when data was read and written in small segments. Released 0.2.1. 010610 Sample client for sdbd in sdbd_client. Released 0.2.0. 010601 Proxy daemon called sdbd. 010520 Updated documentation and sdb_client. Released 0.1.0. 010517 Added trivial gdbm driver (adapted from Siag). 010515 Added autoconf and libtool. 010513 Released 0.0.1. 010512 Cleaned up namespace by prefixing all globals with sdb_. 010511 Started project by copying database code from Ucronadm.